By Edgardo Hidalgo Chacón - School of Education Student

“Educational policies should build up the learning of English from the intensifying and understanding of divergent accents because concentrating on merely one creates gaps in the learning and applicability of the speech” (Meier, 2020, p. 30). The quote pointed the usefulness of generating didactic and pedagogical mediation of English teaching concentrated on distinct accents to acquire to distinguish the variations, apply them in context, and refine their educational profile. This act allows higher access to opportunities in the future. In Ireland, Trinity College, Dublin has developed this scholarly mindset, where students of all majors are taught integrated English, where they learn the Irish, British, American, Australian, and Canadian accents. Those mentioned above with the vision that the pupils will meet the environment and augment their academic and professional profiles. Thus, the classes should be diversified where holistic English is instructed. The previous because all pupils reach their second language effectively because it focuses not solely on the context outside the classroom on the American accent, but also the understanding, identification, and practice of many accents.

The second language teaching pathway should develop a valuable learning profile, where students learn several accents and terminological differences to learn the speech from a holistic perspective. “English taught as a foreign language should focus on the multiplicity of accents and equivalent terminology, given that the more exposure that is developed, the better the acquisition, mastery, and comprehension of the English style” (Green, 2020, p. 60). Being exposed to diverse brogues contributes to more polished listening—understanding and interpreting the message, despite being conveyed through an accent different from that of the learners. Thus, developing the second language through distinct tones brings benefits to the bilingual educational profile.

Learning English through various brogues adapts to cultural needs and reduces the gap at the comprehension level and interaction with other people. “Teaching a second language focused on a particular accent does not acknowledge to the principle of communication and interaction, a scene that is an abysmal disadvantage, given that learning a second language expands communication, not obstruct the process” (Pennington & Rogerson-Revell, 2019). The above quote connects to the fact that if a Costa Rican student who only learns American English travels to England, he or she arguably cannot communicate intelligibly. Also, the variations of the language hinder comprehension and oral contact. In this way, it is fundamental to teach a comprehensive English that responds to learning a second language since the objective of learning a second language is to communicate without barriers that affect comprehension.

From another perspective, showing various accents can be complex since auditory discrimination, a demanding process in the instruction of pronunciation, must be developed. “Teaching English across different accents can be challenging because of understanding with them, so it is most remarkable to focus on one” (Díaz-Rico, 2019, p. 42). This argument has a certain validity given that it entails a more focused mediation centered on developing the speech from one linguistic dimension; however, the teaching route must be holistic, students learn through different accents, and it is not appropriate to focus on merely one. However, if integrated English involving several accents is taught from kindergarten education, the acquisition and mastery process will be smoother because of disclosure to the vocabulary. The previous upholds that it is workable to teach many accents to contribute assets to pupils’ profile as a foreign language.

The above affirms the emphasis on educating the multiplicity of accents in English because the purpose of learning a second language is to facilitate communication, synergy, provide excuses, and create intercultural bonds. This certifies that the educational systems must develop efforts to change the curriculum or thematic programming to include an integrated English that enhances the student outline. It is time to redesign second language teaching conceptualization, enlarging paths to understand diverse accents. To what extent does our didactic mediation in language teaching contribute to an enrichment of the scholarly profile? What do you think might happen in the future if we teach different accents in the English teaching pathway?


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References List:
  • Díaz-Rico, L. (2019). A course for teaching English learners. (3rd ed.). Pearson.
  • Green, N. (2020). Reading and speaking English by sound. Resedog Pr.
  • Meier, P. (2020). Accents & dialects for stage and screen. Paul Meier Dialect Services.
  • Pennington, M. C. & Rogerson-Revell, P. (2019). English pronunciation teaching and research:
    contemporary perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan.